
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Short Getaway - USS Singapore Part 2

For this entry, I will share how to buy the ticket to USS Singapore and book for hotel in Johor. We decided to enter Singapore by bus instead of driving ourselves. Both husband and wife bukan reti sangat nak bawak kereta masuk negara lain, plus their rules are quite different from us in Malaysia.

Kami stay dekat Tune Hotel Danga Bay untuk 3 hari 2 malam. Dekat website Tune Hotels pun boleh beli tiket bas untuk sampai ke USS Singapore. Kalau ada budget extra, better duduk hotel lain, sebab Tune Hotel ni sangatlah 'comel' pusing2 situ je. Kalau bawak anak kecik pun susah sebab bilik dekat Tune ni tak di provide dengan kettle untuk masak air panas, untuk ambil air panas kena turun ke lobby atau ambil dari 7 Eleven yang terletak bersebelahan hotel ni.

Trick Tune Hotel adalah disini. Aircond dikira sebagai kredit, maksudnya kalau kita ambil package Air Conditioning 12 hours,  hari pertama pasang aircond 6 jam, hari kedua masih ada baki lagi 6 jam. Tapi untuk wifi dan entertainment package, 24 jam akan dikira bermula dari tarikh dan masa kita check in, jadi kene pandai plan bila nak ambil add on package ni.
Tiket bas untuk sampai ke USS Singapore pun boleh beri dari sini je, nanti dah check in, boleh redeem tiket dekat office Odyssey betul2 dekat sebelah Tune Hotel tu. Waktu berlepas ada dua, antara 7.30 pagi dan balik 7.30 petang, atau pergi 10.30 pagi dan balik 10.30 malam.
Kad putih, kena isi kalau nak masuk Singapore

Bas yang membawa ke USS

Bas akan turunkan di parking bay Resort World dan lepas naik je escalator akan terus sampai ke Universal Studio.

Perjalanan dari Danga Bay ke USS lebih kurang dalam sejam lebih (bergantung kepada trafik). Bas akan berhenti di dua check point, Kastam Malaysia dan Kastam Singapore. Dari parking bay, naik escalator, tunjuk passport dan turun semula ke bas. Proses yang sama dia kedua2 kastam, yang bezanya di Singapore kena cop passport.

Next, tips on going to USS Singapore.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Short Getaway - USS Singapore Part 1

Last week, we had the chance to visit USS Singapore. Though it was a day trip, we had so much fun, well at least I do.

Aishah wasn't in a very good mood during the whole journey, nevertheless it was good to be there.

We arranged everything on our own, and thankfully everything went very well.

Let me feast your eyes with some of the attraction there. I will share how and tips on going to USS Singapore.

Monday, March 3, 2014

ESP lagi?

Lagi lagi ESP ESP ESP!

Kenapa la asyik promote ESP je ni?

Ramai yang tak tahu PROTEIN adalah sumber asas bagi tubuh manusia. Kekurangan protein dalam badan mengganggu penyerapan vitamin oleh tubuh.

Oleh itu, penting bagi kita untuk mendapatkan kesihatan yang OPTIMUM!


Shaklee adalah syarikat pertama yang mewujudkan suplemen protein berasaskan kacang soya. Sebenarnya, pengasingan soya pertama yang pernah dihasilkan adalah dicipta oleh Dr. Forest C. Shaklee pada tahun 1970an. Selang beberapa tahun kemudian, beberapa ujian klinikal telah membuktikan apa yang ditemui oleh Dr. Shaklee sebelumnya iaitu protein soya merupakan sebuah blok binaan utama bagi membina kesihatan jangka panjang.

Fara  Independent Shaklee Distributor 884049  012 677 7094
Like FB : Zahra’s Store
Business Opportunity with Shaklee, SMS/ Whatsapp for more info!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Promosi Mac 2014 - ESP!

Assalamualaikum & Selamat Pagi.

Nak tahu tak? Bulan ni memang rasa special dan nak senyum sampai ke telinga je bila dapat tahu promosi beli 6 PERCUMA 1 dari Shaklee ialah ESP.

ESP ni memang ramai peminatnye, sangat sesuai untuk ibu menyusu, dan yang tengah nak diet dan nak kurus tu!

Harga runcit sebotol ESP (850g) RM150, tapi untuk bulan ni je, harga super murah. Ada lagi.....saya akan berikan hadiah2 lain jika anda membeli dari saya.

Siapa cepat dia dapat! Siapa lambat kene tunggu!...

Fara  Independent Shaklee Distributor 884049  012 677 7094
Like FB : Zahra’s Store
Business Opportunity with Shaklee, SMS/ Whatsapp for more info!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Kisah Aishah and her mealshakes.

Alhamdulillah, so far Aishah tak pernah lagi kena admit masuk hospital. Paling teruk pun kena kuarantin because of HFMD.

I don't mean to brag of boast about this, and mintak simpanglah perkara yang tak baik terjadi dekat dia. Mak mana yang sampai hati tengok darah daging sendiri sakit kan? If only sakit tu boleh di transfer, for sure all mommies want to take the pain away from their little one.

Dulu, memang Aishah rajin demam. I can say that she will get a fever almost every month. She was a little too skinny for her age. Kalau compare dengan mak-pak dia, memang jauh beza la kan. I've tried almost every possible formula milk to increase her appetite, and increase her weight, i guess she's just a bit selective of what she eats.

Finally, I found mealshakes, the supplements for children. It's a good source of protein with added vitamins and minerals, and good source of calcium which is the fundamental nutrients that growing kids and teens needs to stay strong and healthy.

Her overall health is improving, her constipation is gone. Dulu, nak membuang tu bagaikan satu seksaan untuk Aishah. We have to insert enema to assist her bowel movement. T_T

Picture from Google

Tak perlu bagi banyak pun, just a scoop a day and I have already notice and experience the differences. Bancuh dalam susu sehari sekali. Kalau ada mak-mak yang runsing dengan masalah anak selalu sakit, atau ada masalah sembelit, please give mealshakes a try, mana tau boleh membantu, coz it has help mee too. ☺

Friday, February 21, 2014

Planning for the second baby

Hello and Assalamualaikum.

When I got married, I did not have any plan to postpone on getting pregnant. Yes, at that time I was planning to get pregnant, and I do, literally just after I got married. Hihi.

Now that it has been more than 2 years since I gave birth to Aishah, there is at one time I do miss the feeling of being pregnant. Memangla beranak tu satu pengalaman yang mentraumakan, tapi trauma yang happy ending.

I will be 31 this year and I think it is might a good time for me to expand our little family. 

Things that I need to consider before planning for baby number 2 (source from What to Expect)

Back-to-back babies. Caring for a baby or toddler while pregnant can be physically draining, and it won't get any easier once your newborn arrives and you have two to feed, and clean, and rock, and diaper. With two under two, you may not get a good night's rest for a few years straight. Especially if you breastfeed, you may feel as though your body is on permanent loan to the two tiny tots, and wonder if you'll ever get it back (and in what condition!). If your first was born by C-section less than 18 months before your second arrives, it may be difficult (or dangerous) for you to deliver vaginally. Finally, you'll probably need to invest in some extra baby gear, like a second crib and a double stroller. But the double-whammy does have its benefits: less jealousy for your firstborn, and the chance to overlap your diapering, carrying, bathing, spoon-feeding, babyproofing days (the better to get ''em over with!). As your kids grow, they may be great playmates since they are so close in age, and they'll be into similar activities. If you are an older mom or have any concerns about your fertility, jumping right back into trying-to-conceive might be wise. 

Classic combo. When your second arrives two to three years after your first, you'll face a tougher transition for your big kid, with more rivalry, jealousy, regression, and defiance. You may get little to no break on the diaper duty, if your older one toilet-learns trains just as your new baby arrives. Balancing your firstborn's activities with your baby's needs can be tough (what to do when big sister wants to go to the playground, but the baby needs to nurse? Or when preschool pickup conflicts with little brother's nap?). Still, there's a lots to recommend this setup. Your body has time to recover from one pregnancy to the next. You get to enjoy each child's babyhood individually. And practically speaking, you can probably get away with only one crib! 

Giant gap. Maybe a space of four, or five, or more years between sibs feels right for your family. Re-entering the baby zone can be tough after you've been out of it for a long time (you've gotten used to sleeping through the night again, for example — at least most of the time!). And you face a juggling act when trying to accommodate the very different needs of kids at such divergent stages (they're not likely to play together, enjoy the same toys or movies, or want to do the same things on weekends). But your firstborn can be a big help with the baby, and they'll develop a relationship all their own — your little one will have a very special role model. With your kids in different stages, you'll be able to enjoy each one more as an individual — almost like having two only children.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

FAQ - Keahlian Shaklee

Mesti ramai yang nak tau, apa kelebihan menjadi ahli kan? Tengok semua distributor Shaklee bersemangat je, cerita pasal bonus sana sini.

Meh sini, akak nak share bagaima menjadi ahli, apa yang perlu dilakukan selepas menjadi ahli, dan apa kelebihan yang kita akan nikmati selepas menjadi ahli.


Yuran pendaftaran adalah RM65 seumur hidup dan tambahan RM10 (WM) / RM20 (EM) untuk caj penghantaran kit keahlian. Kiranya total2 RM75 untuk pendaftaran. Nak jadi ahli secara PERCUMA pun boleh! Dengan setiap pembelian bernilai RM680 (200UV) anda layak untuk menjadi pengedar sah secara percuma!


Jawapannya TAK PERLU. Shaklee menyediakan sustem dropship (beli produk hanya jika ada pembelian dari pelanggan, dan Shaklee akan hantarkan kepada pelanggan anda) Senang kan? Melainkan jika anda ingin memiliki stok sedia ada, boleh la simpan stok jika ada pelanggan yang inginkan COD.


Jawapannya TAK PERLU. Sekiranya hanya untuk kegunaan sendiri, tidak perlu maintain points melainkan jika anda ingin menjadikannya sebagai pendapatan sampingan anda yang akan melayakkan anda untuk mendapatkan cash bonus.


Ia bergantung pada jumlah jualan anda pada bulan tersebut. Minimum point untuk cash bonus ialah 150UV. Bonus akan dikira bermula dari 5% sehingga 21% bergantung pada jumlah points anda pada bulan tersebut.


Tidak sama sekali, anda akan dilatih secara online dan offline untuk berjaya dalam Shaklee ini.


Anda akan dibimbing melalui group exclusive Jutawan Shaklee. Bimbingan akan diberikan secara online dan offline. 


Boleh je..tiada paksaan untuk menjual ☺


Saya boleh uruskan untuk anda, hanya berikan maklumat yang diperlukan berserta yuran pendaftaran seperti yang dinyatakan. Untuk pertanyaan lanjut, boleh SMS / Whatsapp 012.677.7094, saya sedia membantu anda. ☺

Fara  Independent Shaklee Distributor 884049  012 677 7094
Like FB : Zahra’s Store
Business Opportunity with Shaklee, SMS/ Whatsapp for more info!