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Thursday, February 21, 2013

A visit to Zoo Negara

Lepas Aishah sihat and HFMD free, we reward her by bringing her to Zoo Negara. Kesian tengok seminggu terperuk kat rumah, takde life, main dengan mama je, tengok Madagascar tiap2 hari. Instead of watching the characters in Madagascar, kita tengok real animals in life.

Sempat bawak Aishah jumpa Gloria the hippo, Melman the giraffe, Alex the lion, and few others animals..tapi tak dapat jumpa Martin the zebra, sebab mak pak Aishah dah letih berjalan, dan perut pun dah lapar masa tu.

The crowd was overwhelming that day, ramai jugak orang datang Zoo ni, ingatkan orang dah jemu nak datang. Operating hours is from 9.00 am – 5.00 pm daily, including public holiday. Just make sure bawak mykad & mykid sebab kalau tak bawak kene la bayar harga yang luar biasa. It is RM25 during weekdays and RM30 on weekends and Public Holiday. Animal show is at 11.00 am and 3.00 pm, kalau boleh datang awal sikit before showtime, sebab takut nanti takde tempat duduk. Tapi show nye tak la sehebat mana, animal show dekat Lost World of Tambun lagi best. The best animal show so far for me is at Singapore Night Safari, tapi jauh sangat la pulak nak pergi kan.

This map will cost you RM 2 if you buy it on the spot.

The Zoo was poorly maintained. Rimau kat zoo tu pun macam malas je nak tunjuk aksi, semua main sorok2 dekat belakang. I guess kalau di cantikkan sikit kandang2 binatang ni baru bersemangat semua nak tunjuk aksi. The ticket price wasn’t that cheap you know, the least that they can do is to provide a comfortable place for this animal to stay. .but again, who am I to complaint?

It was an okey experience…selalu asyik melawat shopping malls je kan, kali ni back to nature, kenalkan haiwan dekat anak..you can see the excitement in their face, and that is the most priceless  experience of all.


  1. eh serius dah lama tak pergi Zoo Negara. Last masa i darjah 2 ke 3 ntah haha. baru-baru ni pun pergi Zoo Melaka je tapi hambar je zoonya :p

    btw salam kenal :)

  2. hi cha
    tu la kan, zoo kat malaysia ni macam poorly maintain..tengok binatang2 tu pun mcm takde mood je.

    kalau bukan sebab nk bawak anak jenjalan, maybe tak pegi la kot zoo ni. hihi..

    btw..nice meeting you too :)
