
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Lets get connected!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Well hello dear readers,

Why so sudden nak publish blog? Maybe it is time for me to change, and to come out from my comfort zone. Kalau belum kahwin cerita pasal kawan2, bila dah nak kahwin, cerita pasal wedding preparation, bila dah ada anak? Of course la akan penuh dengan entry pasal anak. 

Jadi mak-mak, macam tu la, siang malam pagi petang cerita pasal anak, sikit2 selit pasal suami. Hihi.

This blog is fully dedicated to my dear daughter, hoping that I can be a good mother to her, and serve only the best for her and our family, InsyaAllah.

The best thing that has ever happen in my life.

How time flies, she is all grown up right now.


  1. wah new blog! so blog lama tak pakai dah eh? anywhoooo since when jadi Shaklee distributor ni wow weee good luck babe :) Btw kalau ko ada jual set 4 vitamic untuk trial selama sebulan RM80 tu aku beli kat ko jela..heheheh

  2. blog lama dah jd history. kalau rajin aku transfer post lama ke blog baru ni.

    aku baru2 je berjinak2 dengan shaklee..buat masa ni takde trial lagi, tp will inform kalau ada nnt ok..
